Community Event Criteria

All submissions will be reviewed against the following event criteria.

  • Non-partisan, free and open to all members of the community, regardless of identity, race, gender or political affiliation

  • Align with the aforementioned America250 Nevada goals: Celebrate, Learn and Engage

  • Align with the national themes set by the American Association for State and Local History

  • Ready to activate and externally funded (exceptions are grant, scholarship or volunteer project applications)

  • No politicking during events, including campaign materials and apparel

  • NRS 281A: State of Nevada government agencies cannot support political events. As a government entity, state agencies are required to remain nonpartisan and must avoid using public resources, funds, or personnel to support or oppose political candidates, parties, or campaigns. This prohibition ensures compliance with state and federal laws, including ethical guidelines and statutes such as the Hatch Act (for federally funded programs) and relevant state election laws. Government agencies are allowed to provide factual, nonpartisan information about policies or initiatives that affect the public, but they must steer clear of partisan activities.

  • Provide proof of community impact

  • Agreement to not use America250 or America250 Nevada logos for commercial purposes

  • Employ historical content that is evidence-based, accurate, authentic and reliable

  • Agree to submit a post-event report by November 2026 with attendance, event recap and photo for use in final report to Governor Lombardo and Nevada State Legislature in February 2027

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