Nevada Gives

36 ways to give back to your community and your state 

Throughout history, service has been a cornerstone of American society—from Benjamin Franklin’s first volunteer fire brigade in the 1700s to the establishment of the American Red Cross in 1881 and the creation of the Peace Corps in the 20th century. Nevada Gives embarks to re-invigorate our love of community into action – action to reshape our part of the world. Shoulder to shoulder, we will work together meeting the needs of our community. 36 various volunteer projects will be created throughout the state. Gather your friends, co-workers, and neighbors and join us. Now is the time to come together—our actions today will inspire the next chapter in our state’s story. Join us in this remarkable journey, and let’s shape the future through service.

If you are an organization that would like to host an event

If you are a volunteer that would like to volunteer

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